Monday - October 21, 2024

Working With Donna

Donna M Thomas

To find out more about Donna’s work, and to book a session, click the button below.

Donna’s YouTube Channel

Donna M Thomas Channel

Click this button for introductory videos on Donna's mystic readings, and more.

The SHIFT Kicker

WMG – Women’s Mastery Group 2.0

It has become abundantly clear that for a variety of reasons, women often don’t feel the depth of support and encouragement they’d like. To answer the call, in 2017 I created and began to host Women’s Mastery Groups.

Check Out My NEW YouTube Channel!

Check out my NEW YouTube channel!
Here is one of the videos you’ll see — an introduction to my Spiritual Readings.

Unearth What’s Between You and Unleashing Your Deepest Purpose

Do you find yourself unclear about what you’re here for and what you want? Have you ever felt blocked in pursuing what you deeply desire? Do you sometimes sabotage yourself? Deep down, have you wondered if the life you ache to live is actually attainable?

More Articles onThe SHIFT Kicker

Core Happiness

Motivational Inspirational Quotes

    • Are You That Kind of Man?
    • In answer to the wildly popular quote, Be the kind of woman that when your feet hit the ground each morning, the devil says, “Aw crap, She’s up!”, here is one for you men out there.

    • What Creates Fulfillment?
    • “Being right doesn’t make us safe…or happy. It is more fulfilling to aim for authenticity and transparency.”

      ∞ DT

    • What Causes Change?
    • “From the flow within does one’s outer life take its shape. The stronger the current the more significant the change.”
      ∞ DT

    More Motivational Inspirational Quotes

Personal Empowerment

Healthy Relationships

    • Who Do You Love, Really?
    • “Men marry women with the hope they will never change. Women marry men with the hope they will change. Invariably they are both disappointed.” ― Albert Einstein I find this

    • Conversations Gone Bad?
    • What usually is at the core of conversations gone bad is that one or both participants have dropped into feeling: fear, unresolved pain, and/or lack of respect (either direction). How

    • Relationship Checklist
    • You may have read books like the “The 7 Spiritual Laws of Success” by Deepak Chopra, or “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen R. Covey, or “The 10 Keys to

    More Articles on Healthy Relationships