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30-Days of Silence Day 22

February 8th, 2016

Today I checked in with my closest friend, of 43 years. She has a serious heart condition and I felt the tug to touch base with her. She ended up asking me why I haven’t yet done a reading about her health.

30-Days of Silence Day 21

February 7th, 2016

When out today, I walked by a garden of flowers, and I felt a nudge to take in the beauty if it. At that moment I noticed how not present I had been just moments before. I then remembered how reverent the walking was at a silent retreat I attended last

30-Days of Silence Day 20

February 6th, 2016

The word for today is Time Management. (And for the sake of time, I’ve done no editing on this!). I can now see why it’s such a challenge to do everything I have on my plate. It’s because I heap too much on it!

30-Days of Silence Day 19

February 5th, 2016

I’m thinking what it would be like to have a silent date with someone. A man I had dated once before I went silent was taken aback when I suggested we try a couple of dates while I was in silence. A man I had dated once before I went silent

30-Days of Silence Day 18

February 4th, 2016

We live our own personal drama/comedy/tragedy/adventure stories. Along our journeys, we and our stories bump into each other, crash into each other, embrace each other, or bow to each other. I do my best these days to

30-Days of Silence Day 17

February 4th, 2016

I went back into the chapel and was about to sit down to meditate when I noticed the back and slight profile of man, and he struck me as handsome. I said to myself, Simmer down, Donna. This is not the time or place for that.

30-Day of Silence Day 17

February 3rd, 2016

I went back into the chapel and was about to sit down to meditate when I noticed the back and slight profile of man, and he struck me as handsome. I said to myself, Simmer down, Donna. This is not the time or place for that.

30-Days of Silence Days 15-16

February 3rd, 2016

I had choir rehearsal today. That was interesting. Singing within the practice of Silence. I knew choir rehearsals were starting during this silence. I consider singing in the choir part of my life work…bringing about joy and healing.

30-Days of Silence Days 13-14

February 3rd, 2016

The weirdest thing happened today. I needed to give someone $35. To do that, I needed to get change for a $50. I walked to the corner of 7th and Montana, where there are several stores, restaurants, and a bank.

30-Days of Silence Day 12

January 28th, 2016

I’ve been struck with how kind everyone has been when they find out I can’t talk. I assume they think I’m damaged, have laryngitis, or that I was born this way. But every time I make the fingers across the throat sign while mouthing, I can’t talk,
