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Archive for the ‘ Personal Empowerment ’ Category


Pain Pushes Until Your Vision Pulls

October 17th, 2010

Remember, pain pushes until your vision pulls you forward… Yes, sometimes there is discomfort in the transition of bringing one’s visions into materiality. This though is far less uncomfortable than the pain of being a victim of circumstance!


July 31st, 2010

“Get bold! Fall in love with the unknown.”  ∞ DT   I have a post-it with this message on my computer. It speaks to the part of me that is at times hesitant about stepping outside my comfort zone. I truly thrive living at my growing edge, and, some days it is easier to do […]

Path of The Wounded Healer

July 13th, 2010

This is a good video to explain the path of the Wounded Healer, published by Humanity International. A few notes: Although The Wounded Healer is a catchy title, the point that we can become wise and even healed from our past pain is a valid one. I would be cautious, however, in identifying oneself as […]

How Shame and the Negative Ego Are Related

July 9th, 2010

Recently I was pondering, How Shame and the Negative Ego Are Related. I know someone who appears to have a “large ego”. He is boastful and often takes opportunities to draw attention to himself, even in his “contribution” to people. I know from my work that boastfulness, an aspect of what I consider the negative […]

The Essence of Truth

June 25th, 2010

The Truth Contest is asking for essays on Truth. When contemplating this, I was guided to first identify what truth is. I was assuming they were asking about the deeper meaning of truth, and not the logical meaning of truth as being based on fact. As with God and Love, one cannot accurately express the […]

Where Are You Living?

June 12th, 2010

Are you living in S.I.N. (Sunk Into Negativity)? Or, are you thriving in J.O.Y. (Jubilant Omnipresent Yes!)? ∞ DT

What Do Successful People Know?

May 24th, 2010

“I laugh when I hear people say that rich people are no different than anyone else. You ever notice that it’s poor people who say this? Let me tell you the hard truth: The rich think differently from the poor. That’s how they became rich. They don’t acknowledge limitations. The rich can live in uncertainty […]

Exploring Practice #3 — Maintain a Vision that is Larger than You.

May 10th, 2010

“When working with people, I am often asked what it takes to have a strong sense of personal power as they go through life. I have noticed these days that even though many have done some amount of personal development work, when it comes right down to it, there is at least one of eight […]

Practice #2 — Be In The Present, Pay Attention

May 4th, 2010

When working with people, I am often asked what it takes to have a strong sense of personal power as they go through life. I have noticed these days that even though many have done some amount of personal development work, when it comes right down to it, there is at least one of eight practices that is being dropping out of their daily life. It is this thing or things that cause feelings of lack of personal power, lowered self-confidence, depleted energy – all of which lead to unhappiness and feeling unfulfilled.

To aid you in seeing what elements are crucial in creating and maintaining a deeply fulfilling life, I created The 8 Practices of Authentic Power: Creating a Foundation for Personal Mastery.

Aspiring to Personal Greatness

April 28th, 2010

“Be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.”  William Shakespeare   When I was 38, I had reached what felt was a pinnacle point of personal achievement. It was as if all that I had worked for in my life in terms of personal […]
