Friday - March 14, 2025



Mystic Readings

From Donna: “My commitment to the readings is to bring forth wisdom that transcends personality, ego, and opinion so people can more easily access an expanded perspective about their personal, spiritual, and earthly concerns. I find that this expanded perspective can change everything! It’s my sincere hope that this work helps to enhance your life in ways that are most meaningful to you!”

    • I have seen many intuitives and astrologers in my 65 years but I have never experienced anything like Donna and her guides. They told me things about myself I have never spoken of to anyone, and in so doing, nailed my issues and told me exactly how to proceed. It was truly miraculous. I need never go to anyone else for clarity and direction. Besides, they all pale in comparison. Essentially, Donna and her guides changed my life, even saved it. I wish I had met her 30 years ago.
      Sallie G., Writer
    • My experience with Donna and her guides has been profound. Most importantly, it has been a means for me to communicate with my Soul. This communion has allowed me to understand the nuances of my life with the deepest love, the most far reaching wisdom and a heartfelt knowing. I consider this experience to be the rarest of gifts. Because my human path has had so many unforeseen challenges, it has been easy to lose my way and sometimes rush past the most precious moments of my life.  Working with Donna and her guides has helped me become more present, more compassionate toward myself and others, and to feel blessed by what it means to be fully alive.
      Steve Hasenberg, MFT
    • My reading with Donna’s guides was like visiting with my soul. Right away I got the sense that I was engaged with a source that is as intimately involved in my spiritual growing edge as I am. It felt like the Guides were holding my hand and guiding me every step along my personal evolutionary journey. Actually I had a significant spiritual opening during the reading itself, which is very unusual for me. She is really something else. It was like my soul was in the room with us.
      KR Sr., OC
    • I was so very impressed by Donna when we met that I asked her for a reading. I am deeply appreciative that I did.The Sacred Guides that she channels are clear and insightful, bringing me remarkable direction to both forwarding my business effectively, and specific actions to take for my gut issue (diagnosed as Crohn’s of the small intestine) that has been a medical concern for well over a year and a half. The Guides gave me specific steps on what to do for my gut issue that I have been following. I am thrilled to say that since Donna’s reading, my gut issue has begun to lessen! Business-wise, I’m finally taking actions that are forwarding my work (I had been at a personal stalemate). I would have never thought to obtain clarity in this way. But guess what? It worked! Donna is the real deal, and that’s high praise.
      TB, Entrepreneur and Community House Leader
    • Donna Thomas is warm, wise, and wonderful. And that’s just her personality! My experience of her as a intuitive/trance medium and advisor was extraordinary. As the “Guiding Souls” came through her, the information she voiced was more on-point and nuanced than that of any spiritual reader I have consulted. In this case, what came through was particularly helpful as it spoke directly and specifically to the changing dynamics of a close relationship. That alone was invaluable, but I should add that she went on to respond to several successive questions in my reading with the same clear, fresh, and enlightened perspective. Because she is able to get to the heart of complex matters, she inspires confidence in the suggestions she makes to address those matters. In addition, I pick up more insight on repeated listenings to the recordings of our sessions. I feel the best qualities and instincts in myself have been affirmed and empowered as a result. Donna came very highly recommended by a trusted friend; I’m happy to unequivocally pass that recommendation on. 
      Jerome Zeiger, Hypnotherapist, Glendale, CA
    • After more than thirty personal readings over the years, I have never found anywhere the beautiful combination of penetrating insight and exquisitely encouraging love that flows through Donna from her Guiding Souls. There seems to be no limit to what they can see about our situations here on this earth plane, our inner needs and motivations, and our relationships with others, even from past lifetimes. Donna’s obvious diligence in conscientiously setting aside her mind and ego creates the space for transmissions that are conveyed purely, without human distortion. She is a clear window through which shines such a golden source of wisdom and understanding, which we are privileged to be able to receive.
      — AL
    • I have worked with both trance and intuitive mediums over many years. My recent first reading with Donna was on par with some of the best I have experienced. The guidance coming through Donna was insightful, to the point, and helpful in dealing with the life situations I was asking about. I felt a lovely sense of peace and love coming through her channeling. I would definitely recommend Donna’s Guiding Souls reading if you are looking for higher spiritual guidance on your own life path.
      AB, California
    • I bring my most concerning issues to the space that Donna and the Guiding Souls hold.  In this honorable & precious space, I receive perspective that is incredibly valuable and really helps me open my thinking and begin to see myself and my life with greater insight.   I always leave feeling lighter and stronger.
    • Donna’s work is like no other I have experienced.  The depth and insight that comes through is useful beyond measure and always profoundly spot on.  She has a true gift.  
      — WH
    • Donna is a gentle, kind, and inspired woman whose heart is open and available to high wisdom.  She is working with such high intention and love and it is so clear when watching her work.  I was able to access feelings of being loved that I truly had not felt before in spite of having loved people in every aspect of my life and feeling extremely blessed already.  Giving and receiving this love and manifesting that profound emotion in the heart/body apparently needed to be accessed in a way I had not realized.  I can now approach and manifest this healing emotion as a kind of “homework”, meditation, exercise….a sacred gift.
      — CB
    • I am in a good place in my life and wasn’t expecting it but I did find last night’s gathering enlightening. The skeptic in me was present but the information that was made available through Donna’s voice was a guide through a dark forest.  So many of the comments and direction that were in response to others I found myself applying it to my situation. The shared energy and love was palpable in the room.  I found myself being touched deeply and emotionally. I don’t know where the wisdom came from and frankly I don’t need to, but the practical takeaways for me I have already started to implement.Later that night  I was able to reach out and make connections with some that I have lost in the past.   The specific answers to my questions included inside knowledge that made the whole experience more credible for me.  I slept very soundly and had vivid dreams.  The next day I found myself changed from the experience.
      I am deeply grateful and humbled by the experience. Donna definitely has a gift and I am thankful for this opportunity. I would recommend connecting with Donna if you are ready to face your fears, and especially poignant, if you are contemplating a life transition.
      — JD
    • Donna works with the highest intention and love and it is crystal clear when watching her work.  I attended an event with Donna in Santa Monica and the divinity present in the room was so palatable, it was an incredible, holy experience.
      — SJ

    To find out more about Donna’s Personal Readings, click  HERE.

    To book a Reading, click HERE.


    Empowerment Coaching & Energy Work

    Donna has worked with men, women, teens, teachers, and renowned healers, those experiencing acute challenges, those who are looking for guidance in how to navigate life, relationships and intimacy, and those who simply want to give their life a “tune-up”.

    • I approached Donna Thomas because I was seeking to feel more grounded and needed coaching on how to cope with some relationship issues.  Donna helped me by actively listening and drilling down to the main issues which were grounded in my fear.  The result was that through a deeper understanding on how my fears were holding me back I was able to push through those fears and attain a more actualized happier state of being.  One thing I liked was her approach to coaching.  She encouraged me to work through my issues by giving me homework between sessions.  And I found the experience with her working with my energy to be transformative using her unique gift.  I would recommend Donna to people who are serious about facing their issues and who are brave enough to embrace change.
      — JD, Professional
    • Donna Thomas is an astonishingly effective life coach and healer who works with mind and body from a deeply spiritual perspective.  She brings both psychological understanding and an incisive intuitive perceptiveness, reaching through the tangled skein of thoughts and feelings to put her finger on the crucial thread that will shift everything else.Clarity blossoms with Donna; you see yourself and your life through different eyes.  And if you are fortunate enough to encounter her energy-flow work, you’ll experience skills that far surpass what any textbook could convey!But above all, with a humility born of working through her own life experiences, she gives you acceptance, compassion, and unconditional love.  You feel totally safe sharing anything with Donna.In three months we utterly transformed a crippling life issue I’d been struggling with for nearly thirty years.  Need I say more?
      – V. Long, Renaissance Man
    • Since I started working with Donna, I am now putting my attention where it belongs.  I am stepping out of the dance with people and things that don’t serve me, and this is transforming my life.  While this transformation sometimes gets scary and unnerving, I’m amazed at my general state of calm.  Donna is a wisdom-filled life coach with solid, practical advice to wrap your mind around. But it doesn’t stop there. Her work goes way beyond what the mind can comprehend.  She is also a profoundly powerful intuitive healer.  Her work is multi-dimensional, addressing the Mind, Body, and the Spirit.  Donna’s work clears and focuses my mind, strengthens and restores my body, and nourishes and empowers my spirit.  Give yourself the gift of working with Donna.
      – SC, Actor
    • For those of us blessed enough to cross Donna Thomas’s path, consider yourself lucky! Donna is not only a “true” healer she is an amazing mirror for life’s obstacles that need to be reflected, dissected and put back together in a new way. She has a Mothering grace and a Shaman’s power. She has helped me more in my 5 sessions with her than in my 6 years of therapy! If you’re ready to grow, heal and move into your full potential you should highly consider making Donna the beacon to your self discovery.
      – BB, Pacific Palisades, CA
    • Donna Thomas is an amazing life coach. I came to Donna completely broken after having lost my baby, stillborn, in 2007. I spent years in pain and grieving. I also had many issues with my family and I was trying to figure out what my next step would be in my healing. Donna moved me through my pain in just a few sessions, enabling me to create a different relationship with my baby. I found more light and love in my life and a willingness to create more joy! I celebrate the short time I knew him.  I also worked on my family issues. After 6 years of not talking to my mom, I picked up the phone called her, and then went to see her. Donna accelerated my healing. I tried for years to find peace through counseling. I found peace with Donna’s help. She helped me when I couldn’t find relief any where else. I am a different person now.  I am now working with her on my career and future goals along with creating even more joy in my life!  Go see her, it will change your perspective, your peace and your life!
      – J. Devlin, CA Business Owner and Professional Training Consultant
    • Working with Donna helped me make changes within myself that I desperately needed to make.  After each session I walked away feeling more empowered.  I took with me real life tools to use and actions to take which ultimately helped me create a happier and more fulfilling life.  Donna is compassionate, smart, and a great listener.  I liked that she worked with me at the pace I needed to go–Donna was right there every step of the way.  Thank you!
      – M. Burns, Entrepreneur
    • After my first session with Donna, I began to feel and see changes within and around me in a short period of time. She is an extraordinary teacher with profound insight into our deeper selves. She has my highest recommendation.
      – A. Lyons, Author, Producer
    • Donna’s combination of a mind, body, and spirit work has yielded noticeable healing in my mind and heart, and positive shifts in my life. Two and a half months of working with her has brought about far more benefits than the last ten years working with other forms of  treatments– traditional and alternative. Donna is both compassionate and direct in her dialogue, and her thoughtfulness, respect, and intuition shine through her work.
      – M. Hart, Parent, Teacher, Explorer
    • I don’t know what she does or how she does it. I am not clairvoyant or even particularly sensitive but when Donna does her work on me I can feel stuck places dissolving and channels in my body opening up and filling with light. Her work is a big part of a shift I am currently experiencing. Since I began working with Donna I am experiencing more peace, clarity, emotional flexibility, and energy in my day to day life. I have wanted this for so long. Thank-you Donna!
      – Mother of two, 55-years old, Santa Monica
    • In doing healing work with Donna Thomas over the past 4 years, she has been emotionally available, communicative and supportive from her heart. Donna’s ability to listen and help me heal in working through my own issues as I grow has been a true gift. She is a deeply intuitive person and gifted healer, and I would recommend her to anyone who wishes to bring more fulfillment in their lives and healing in their hearts.
      – MC, Entrepreneur, 39 years old, Marina Del Rey
    • Donna is an incredible healing conduit. I’ve experienced many modalities of healing work and she works in a way I’ve never experienced. Surpassing the intellect, she dives deep into the heart of the issue and clears, clears, clears! Her work is powerful. Transformational. Like nothing else out there. I recommend her HIGHLY, without hesitation.
      – W. Haines, Actress, Trainer, Filmmaker
    • Donna is one of the most talented people I’ve ever met. Her innate compassion and ability to clearly hear my needs is remarkable. She has a great ability to simplify things to help you see what’s missing in your life, and to find your purpose. She cuts through the s**t, and has enabled me to discover and unravel all the gunk that stops me in my life. Donna’s loving essence speaks to the truth and helps translate that into practical means, and that’s what it’s all about. My life is better by knowing her.
      – V. Light, Producer of Inspirational Films
    • My work with Donna has helped me release some deep-seated issues that were holding me back in life. I am now more open and available to life, and doing what inspires me most; for this, I thank her. With her ability to intuit and see the truth, she is someone I can trust to help determine and uncover the root causes of issues and then help clear them. She is a true and gifted healer.
      – JC, Producer/Writer
    • After working with Donna I feel like my heart is open to moving on for the first time in many, many months. I was stuck in an abyss of deep grieving! Her tender and loving approach has helped me begin the process. I would highly recommend folks who are looking for a great teacher and coach to consider working with a very gifted lady.
      – Tom B., Professional

    To find out more about Donna’s Coaching work, click HERE.

    To book a Coaching session, click HERE.


  • To inquire into Donna’s Energy work, contact here directly HERE.

